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Tooth extraction is a dental procedure wherein the socket is extracted in the bone. If the tooth is cracked or is damaged because of decay, dentists near you will repair it using filling, crown or any treatment available. However, when there is too much damage, extracting the tooth will be the only treatment for it. A very loose tooth is another reason the teeth need to be pulled particularly if it cannot be saved by a bone graft.
We will discuss the definition, facts, and other information about tooth extraction in this guide. We will also talk about what to expect during the surgery and explain what is the meaning of dry socket, which is often associated with tooth extraction.

Other Reasons for Teeth Removal
- Some people will have extra teeth that prevent new teeth from emerging.
- They don’t fall out to let the permanent teeth to come out.
- People who want to get a brace may need some teeth to be pulled out to make room for the new ones to move into position.
- People who are receiving radiation particularly at the head and neck may need for the teeth to be removed particularly if radiation can hit it.
- People who are taking cancer drugs. The drugs weaken a person’s immune system and could possibly infect the teeth.
- If the teeth have developed an infection after an organ transplant, it has to be extracted. This happens because the prescribed drugs for organ transplants suppress a person’s immune system.
Third molars or wisdom teeth are extracted before or after it comes out. Third molars usually come out during late teens or early 20s. It has to be extracted particularly if the teeth cause pain or has caused an infection. Usually, a wisdom tooth becomes impacted and will not come out. If this is the case, then the wisdom tooth has to be extracted. All four wisdom tooth will need to be removed and needs to be extracted all at the same time. Visit our office today if you’re near Lake Elsinore.
Keep on reading for a step-by-step breakdown of the extraction procedure. An x-ray of the area is taken for the dentist to plan out the extraction process better. To help with the tooth extraction you need to provide your full medical and dental history and tell your dentist the medications you take.
If your wisdom teeth are to be removed, your dentist will take a panoramic x-ray. This process will take a picture of all your teeth all at once. The panoramic x-ray will tell the dentist what can be done more accurately than a regular x-ray.
- The impact of the wisdom teeth surrounding the patient’s teeth.
- The relationship of the upper teeth with the patient’s sinuses.
- The relationship of the nerve to the jawbone. The includes the lower teeth, lower jaw, and chin. This nerve is also called the alveolar nerve.
- Infections or tumors present in the patient’s mouth.
Some doctors will prescribe antibiotics before the surgery. This will depend on your doctor or your oral surgeon. Normally, antibiotics are a requirement if:
- There is an infection, particularly during the surgery.
- The immune system of the patient is weak.
- It takes time before the surgery can be completed.
- The patient has a certain medical condition.
Once the extraction process is complete, you can go home but only if you have someone to take you home. The doctor will give you post-surgery instructions. It is important that you follow instructions. Give us a call or schedule an appointment if you’re near Lake Elsinore, CA.
The Procedure
Pulling a tooth is done in two ways:
Simple Extraction – this is done on the tooth that is visible in your mouth. It is a common tooth extraction process that your dentist performs. During this process, the teeth will be loosened with a device called the elevator. The dentist will use a device called forceps to remove the teeth.
Surgical Extraction – this procedure is more complicated. It usually requires a dental surgeon for the removal. But a dentist will be able to do it as long as he or she has the qualifications. Surgical extraction is performed if the teeth have broken off and are left in the gums or if they have not erupted yet. The dental surgeon will make a small cut or incision into the patient’s gum. To remove them, the dentist will remove some of the bone around it or cut it in half so that the teeth can be pulled.

A simple extraction is usually accompanied by an injection of a local anesthetic. However, your dentist may recommend taking certain drugs to help you relax. For surgical extraction, you are given local anesthesia in your vein (intravenous).
If it is conscious sedation, you need to get steroids or other medicines via the IV line. The steroids reduce the pain and swelling after the extraction.
During the extraction, it is normal to feel the pressure, but not pain. If in pain, tell your doctor immediately.
According to the ADA, “Do Not Disturb! The blood clot that forms in the tooth socket is an important part of the normal healing process. You should avoid doing things that might disturb the clot.”
Get appointment for Same day Emergency tooth extraction, give us a call today if you’re in or near Lake Elsinore, CA.
Procedure Aftercare
Your dentist will give you a brief explanation about tooth extraction, what to expect, how to prepare and what to do after the surgery. If you need clarification, make sure to ask before you leave the dental office.
On simple extractions, it is normal to feel a bit of discomfort. The level of discomfort you’ll be feeling and for how long it will last will depend on the complexity of the extraction process. The pain normally goes away a few days after the surgery.
The incision in the mouth will bleed more compared to a cut in your skin. This is because our mouth is wet often and this doesn’t allow for a wound to dry out and scab. To solve this, your doctor will instruct you to bit a piece of gauze for 30 minutes. This process will allow the blood to clot. The bleeding should gradually decrease and is expected to stop the next day. It is recommended that you do not disturb the clot.
- To reduce swelling, apply ice packs and warm compress.
- Eat only cool and soft foods for a few days. Don’t worry because you’ll be able to get back to your normal diet after that.
- Rinse your mouth with warm salt water. Do this starting at least 24 hours after the extraction process is completed. This will help keep your mouth clean and prevent infection.
- If you are to have stitches, your doctor will stitch you up using a dissolving thread. It will take up to two weeks for the threat to fully dissolve. You can help speed up the dissolving process by rinsing your mouth with warm salt water. There are stitches that will require for your dentist to manually remove it.
- Use only a straw to drink liquids and do not spit. Doing this can remove the clot and you’ll bleed out. Do not smoke 24 to 72 hours after the surgery.
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Risks of Tooth Extraction
Dry socket is a common issue after the tooth is extracted. This happens to 3% to 4% of the extraction process. Dry socket occurs when the blood clot failed to form or if it has broken down early.
During a dry socket, the patient’s bone will get exposed to the outside environment. This will be very painful to the patient. It can also cause bad taste or odor. Normally, the dry socket will cause pain on the third day after the surgery.
Dry socket occurs 30% of the time. Complex extractions will also increase the chance of developing such a condition. Another cause of dry socket is when patients smoke immediately after the surgery. Women on birth control pills are also likely to develop a dry socket, When the patient has a dry socket, it needs to be treated right away with a medicated dressing so that the pain will subside and the healing process will continue.
Infections can happen during the procedure. However, the chance of developing an infection is rare particularly if the patient has a strong immune system.
Other issues include:
- Accidental damage to the teeth like a fracture in the fillings.
- The extraction process is incomplete. This happens when the root stays in the patient’s jaw. The dentist will have to extract the root so it won’t cause an infection. Sometimes, it is less risky if the root is left unextracted.
- The jaw is fractured because too much pressure is applied during the extraction process. This happens frequently on older people particularly those with osteoporosis(thinning of the bone).
- There is a hole in the sinus when the upper molar was extracted. This small hole usually closes itself in a few weeks. If not, surgery is recommended.
- The jaw muscles or the jaw sores. You’ll have difficulty in opening your mouth wide. It can happen because of the injections that prevent your mouth from opening or if there is too much pressure in the jaw.
- The lower lip and chin has been numb for too long. This happens due to the injury in the alveolar nerve located in the lower jaw. It will heal but you’ll have to wait for at least three to six months. On rare incidents, the numbness could become permanent.
If you encounter any problems, please contact us immediately or visit us if you’re in or nearby Lake Elsinore.
When You Should Call a Professional nearby
It is more convenient to have your dental office nearby Lake Elsinore in case you experience a dental emergency after the extraction.
- When the swelling is too much than anticipated.
- If you have fevers, redness, or is experiencing chills.
- You have difficulty swallowing.
- The bleeding is uncontrollable.
- The area where the tooth is extracted continues to bleed after 24 hours.
- The chin, tongue, and lip continue to get numb for up to 4 hours after the procedure.
- The area where the tooth is extracted becomes too painful – this could be a dry socket.
- If there is an infection, your doctor will usually prescribe antibiotics.
If you’re near Lake Elsinore, pay us a visit!
Safe Tooth Extraction, Lake Elsinore, CA
Have a safe and worry-free tooth extraction if you let this procedure be completed by our expert dentists. Set up an appointment today at our office if you’re in or near Lake Elsinore, CA.